My feet look like sick! I had to wipe my feet's POO off!

on 27/4/2006, My son and I went to outside for his playful time. I decided to do alittle exerise for stairs. I was steps up higher and step more again. then my lousy sandler shoes got slip and got a injury from stairs and pull the muscle really bad. I was feeling really hurt really bad and did not scream. bcs I dont wanted to scare to my son. My son was fine when i was hurt. I had to protect him from injury. Next day, my feet got shallow and had to go to work. I felt like i am HC bcs I had a cripple feet. What a suck! My feet got injury for 8 days in a row!
on 29/4/2006, my sister in law, her hubby:patrick, me and my wife went to see Yu Min Medical Centre. I saw a lot of chinese herb plants and differents kind of chinese medical for healthy or sick people. My sister in Law was doing interpreter for me at office. the Chinese Physical and acupuncturist named Lim Seow Heong, he seems quite person and not really friendly person. He puts a chinese medical on my feet and look like a fresh Poo. ! ha! you can see my photos!
1 comment:
So horrible to have a dinosaur poo being pasted on your foot! It must smell horribly. U shld see the western doctor!!!! No excuse!
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