Hi Friends,
Following a successful tour of This Side Up, which saw
Ramesh Meyyappan perform in the UK, Poland, Austria,
New Zealand, America, France and continuing tour of
Iceland and Australia this year, Ramesh Meyyappan
presents his new piece; The Art of War.
Presented at Drama Centre Black Box National Library
Level 5 on May 11th-13th at 8.00pm. The show will see
Ramesh collaborate with Swedish actor, Lars Otterstedt
to create this purely visual piece. Tickets from
Ramesh earned a nomination for LIFE! THEATRE AWARDS
2006 Best Actor in This Side Up. Over the past few
years, Ramesh has developed solo performances using a
range of visual and physical styles, which he intends
to be wholly accessible.
In the past few years, Ramesh has been touring
internationally having been invited to be part of
festivals across the globe including America, New
Zealand, Australia and Europe.
‘The Art of War’ a collaboration between Lars
Otterstedt (Sweden) and Ramesh Meyyappan (Singapore),
a devised performance exploring the strategies used by
males to preserve their dominance and status.
Combining a range of visual and physical elements the
piece presents a comic and dark insight into the male
psyche – exploring the extremes males go to in order
to ‘fit in’ and ultimately the dark consequences of
these actions - highlighting male vulnerability when a
competitive edge prevails.
Online at www.ticketcharge.com.sg
Telephone Hotline: 6296 2929
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