my wife got a 10 years service award.

I was busy to eating my marvel sushi!

My wife's boss Wendy scared my baby, who dont like to carry by Wendy.
on Dec 16th, my wife got a 10th years anniversity at her work called TDK. she invited me and our son to have a nice dinner. We ate a lot of Japanese food. I was pig out for sushi! ha! My wife's boss offered me to drink red wine. when I drank the red wine, I knew it is expensive wine. I told my wife s boss that OZ's wine is best of all than America's wine. My wife ate a Japanese green tea pie, i asked her " is it very good for green tea pie?" she noddled her head says " yes" so I got Japanese green tea pie and red wine. it was perfect taste for "two in one". It was really really YUMMY!
on Dec 17th, I went to 2nd anniversity of bowling. The bowling is two block of the muslim mosquie(church). I went there for doing a volunteer. I showed up at 11am, I was supposed to be there at 9 am, but I wanted to have a more hours sleep and spend time with my son. When I got a there at 11am and just a start to competation, I noticed there is not really organize at all due to lack of communication from a deaf person who is responsible at bowling events and seminar camp. that s why a person is alot of busy and do earrands. so I helped to Ken Lai for bowling event. There have 12 bowling lanes for singaporean and Malaysian bowlers. I met one guy who was coming from vietnam. I told him that My father was war with viet cong(bad vietnamese group) in Vietnam war(1965 to 1968???) My father is still refused to come to Singapore due to asian southeast and really near to Vietnam. I told him i cannot blame on him. He asked me if i am scared to travel to other place or vietnam, i told him , NO, I am not scare go there; however, I will travel to Vietnam to see the real life of the war. I also travelled over 12 differents countries. We had only chatting for 15 mins. Because he had to go to tour bus for ahead to Sentosa and I had to help my friend for bowling events. ciao!
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