Last Saturday afternoon at 4pm, my wife, our baby, and I went to City Harvest at Expo for Xmas church and performance. My wife was busy with our baby at nursey school where the babies stay with their moms at one room. I went to church with my hearing friends, I was surpised to see Ken Lai, Saul and one deaf friend came to see our church . I watched the beauiful performance about relate to Jesus's born for an hours and 30 mins lecture about the save the jesus. I have had diffutcult time to live in Singapore due to different culture and personally problem. I am trying to do is improvement my own self confidence and try to reduced angry. I wanted to improvment to do training at martial arts schoool, which it helps me to improvement myself and started to training on first week of November at www.kuenculture.com, and every time, I finished training, next day, i work at my company, i turn to be happy. Bcs of reduce the stressful. If i dont training at martial arts school very often, I will turn to grumpy person. I think, i should be stick to training at Martial arts school.
back to this topic, so the pastor named Rev.Kong Hee asked someone to come to front on his stage to improvement based on my faith. The interpreter, Jac Chan(not superstar jackie chan) knew that I have a personal problem, so she suggest me to go to meet Rev. Kong Hee. I said, ok! so I came to his stage. I pray for myself for few mins. then Rev Kong Hee was doing hand shake to four people and he knew that i am deaf due to saw an interview with me. He was doing hand shake to me. I said, " thank you" he uses sign language " HI, I am happy with you and happy lord with you!" his sign langauge was not bad, i am pretty surpised he knows sign language . he has one older brother and oldest sister who are deaf. I just guess that Rev Kong dont know a lot of sign langauge, he proves me wrong. I am really glad that Rev Kong knows Sign Language. KEEP IT UP SIGN LANGUAGE FOR REV KONG HEE!
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