During years of Aug 2001 to Jan 2005, I had been working at Florida School for the Deaf and Blind for 4 and half years as teacher aide,sub resident aide and sub characters work for bus on every weekend. They have had activies on every month of the events: American football homecoming, Thanksgiving, x mas , and basketball. I also usually get off from work during thanksgiving, x mas, spring break and summer. I loved my job very much. Let's me to tell you for my daily schedule:
610am: wake up
625am: change my clother
630am: get a truck key and leave at my house
645am: arrive to work at FSDB
7am:wake our boys at Special needs
715: get our few boys need to get medical
730: eat their breakfast
745: watch tv
8am: go to school and get in classroom.
830am: start to do copy or check absense the kids.
10am: gym
1045am:leave the gym building
11am:ready for kids to eat the lunch
1145am: put kids to classroom
1150am: my lunch hours
12 30pm: my lunch done
1 15pm:play outside
215pm: finish play outide
300pm: get kids to dorms or bus.
315pm: finish my task.
345pm: go to work out at World gym , surfing, or go to home
6pm: go to shopping for my food( once a week)
7pm: catch up e mail or clean it up garage
8 to 10pm: watch sport events, tv show or chat with my friend on VP-100
1015pm to 11pm: light out!
When I got hired from China Knowledge at Sectec City as a Web design on Nov7th.
I can feel that i got pressure that people at our company are pressure and do urgent often. My boss, Charles is chinese. I feel strange that I am not in America anymore. I looked around the Singaporean(chinese) and I am working for Singaproean company and the Deafies five collegues: Wan See, Andy Toh,(me), Mick Loh(manager), and Micheal from Malacca, Malaysia and Singaorean PR. We are doing do China Knowledge Online, we are working with China Knowledge Press with hearing co workers. I am working with Jin San and Roy, who are writer and eitdor. Roy(Singaporean) graduated at University of Texas in Austin, he told me he had a good memories during he was in USA for 6 or 8 years. Here is my daily schedule in Singapore:
7am: Wake up
715am: Shower
725am: leave at home
726 aM: get in bus
735am: get in MRT
825am: got into City Link
830am: order MCdonald
840am: enter my office at CKO
9am: start to work on CPU
9am to 1245: work on project
1245pm to 1pm: browse the internet
1pm to 2pm: our lunch hours
210pm: start to work project
6pm: done for work
610pm: walk to citylink
630pm: get in MRT
720pm: get in Metro bus
730pm: get home and see my son.
8pm: do internet and try to do my homepager.
9pm: play on my son or watch tv
10pm: help my wife for baby.
11pm: light out
Let's me say about Graphic Design in Florida. I had been interview for graphic design about 5 times from Jan 2000 to May 2000. My mind said " do my BFA degree worth to me to get graphic design job?" or due to my deafness? I knew that mostly Floridian people dont really aware about ADA law due to no one gives a leture about ADA law in Florida, so I decided to apply at FSDB as a resident aide or Teacher aide. In few days later, I got a e mail from Karla Knight, who was superivor at Elementary School at FSDB , so I got a job for Temp job and one year later, I got perm job for four years. Later on, I quitted my job on Feb 1st.
When I got a job as a web design and photo library at
www.chinaknowledge.com by interview the deaf manager named Mick Loh and recommended by Wan See, who is Web Master and web programmer. She is best friend with my wife. I got a chance to work there from Nov 7th to now. In very recently, my mind says, " it is worth to have my college degress as a graphic design and photography! and thanks to WAN SEE!!!!!