Wednesday, August 03, 2005

sort of bad day!

During the morning time, I was in Mcdonald for my breakfast. I asked a manager if The Mcdonald at Jurong West are allowing to have a deaf worker. she said, that I should try to get an application at KFC. I was laugh at her. Because I told her that Mcdonald at USA allow to have a deaf workers and no problem to hire the deaf worker. She said, there is no vacancy and try to do next time. My mind says, BULLSHIT

During the 11 20am: I went to Bizlink for Employment Placement Division and They are helping to disablities to get a job. They asked me question for my background, my experence job, and my life at Singapore.

At 2pm, Border bookstore at Singapore. Here was an interview.

Me: Hi, mine is Kenneth (Kenichi)
Please don't be scare me as a deaf person I am down to earth, so what is your question?

Manager: We have a bookseller position but required you to communicate and Custemers.

Me: In USA, They at Border have a deaf workers. they know that Deaf person can find a way to handle with custemurs.

Manager: wide her wide(surpise) We do not have a suitable position at this moment who need not communicate with custumers.

Me: why was that? you won't hired any deaf worker. Have you experence to work with deaf person before? I know Singaporean people are not open mind about the deafness to get an opportunity job. why?

Manager: (look alittle frusting with me) we are service line and our main trade is customer service which requires communications.

Me: I said good bye! zoom! ( really upset)

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