Thursday, April 01, 2010

Daisuke from Japan

Dear Kenichi

Hi, how are you doing? I am Daisuke, meeting you at Sentosa 1 week ago. You remember me? Please take a look at the picture, attached. I have come back to Japan finally, and now remember the wonderful memory and one of them is you.

I am so glad to have met you by chance. I have been learning Japanese Sign Language for 3 years and now am a student for the speech therapist. In fact, i want to know more of the Deaf people who are my friend. I have many good deaf friends in Japan, who led me this way.

I hope we become good friends. Looking at your name card, you are so talented in many ways! Graphic Designer, Shirt Designer and so on. Sounds Great!

I am also glad to see your friend who is the deaf. Say hello to him and i hope to see you two again.


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