Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SIP Founder, Penny Low and Hard of Hearing, Judy Ho

Dear Singaporean people,
I am Deaf, not hearing impaired! I am an American/Singaporean PR. I am truthly happy to hear that SIP founder, Penny Low. She is really helpful to disabilties people and Deaf or Hard of hearing people for their explore the art and expressional their feeling. Elim Chow and Penny are doing well their jobs for SIP events. I must say "praise"both of them. Anyway, I watched the video of Judy Ho... it made me alittle nervous. why? if a Singaporean boss thought oh,"look at Judy Ho for using their perfect voice"; therefore, The deaf people has to use their voice often than our beauiful Sign language. It would be frusting for Deaf people to get a job cause the Singaporean boss might that deaf people must use their voice for perfect. if not, how can deaf people to find a job in Singapore? A lot of Deaf Singaporean said, I am lucky to be an American. I told them "try to be stay positive" I was fiquired out 60% Deaf singaporean dont work in Singapore. how do I know? I live in Singapore for two years.

Judy turned to be deaf by 10 years old. That s why She has a perfect speech. I felt that She should be using sign language and speech in some of ways on this interview for show that Deaf people have a beauiful Sign Language... Judy has a good attiude for forward to Deaf people to turn to do positive thing. Pls think carefully what I am trying to saying: %20 perfect Hard of hearing American people got perfect for their speech and voice. why? a lot of similar for movement of the lips... Example
maybe - baby
f#c*- fight
pitch - beach
write - why
world - word

That s why hearing Singaporean people are deperately to be open their mind!

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