(my wife wrote this)
sigh...Poor Kazu but he's quite playful! He got a fall from playpen when he jumped out of playpen yesterday.Then he got a bleeding nose and lip too.many stains on the floor so I got him bathing but he was whining.Hope that he will learn a lesson.I was abit worried about his nose and lip so I decided to bring him to family clinic.The doctor advised me to bring him to KKH for having his lip stitiched cuz' his lip injured is abit long and may split anytime cuz' he can see that Kazu is quite playful and can fall anytime,thus caused his lip split again next time.I am not sure about it but my mum said no need to bring him to KKH since it's not serious.The doctor did not give him any cream or medicine.Arghh...Just pay consultation fee only.sigh...So I applied chinese powder on injuired lip when Kazu slept for a nap.I asked Kazu which one is most painful so he pointed at his injured lip sadly.Anyway,we had to keep a close watch on him and ensure that he don't fall again.Sigh...After a while,he is still playful and I always kept reminding him of his injured lip! Thank God that he is protected from serious injuries.Hope that he will learn a lesson and he should not jump anywhere.
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