I was really touchy that I would able to talk to my son, Kazu. I asked him" where is your mom?" kazu pointed to my wife. then I asked him " where is your father?" he pointed at me! I started to alittle tear(happy) and I asked him " where is your Chinese grandmother?" he signed to me " dont have" (she is not in home). I am glad that I would able to communication him this coming summer! hoorraay!
Yes,I am surprised to see Kazu answering your questions cuz' I thought that he did not bother to answer you on webcam but in person only.hee...He is really naughty!Whenever he is angry,he goes to my room and closed the door loudly and refused to get out of room!But he is really scared of seeing CANE from his grandparents or me!hee...
Kids are smarter in those days. Kids never forget their own parents. Kids are special and amazing. We all are very excited that you are going home to see Karen and Kazu. You all owes a lot of hugs. Only a few weeks left for you all to get together again.
kenichi,i can sense that u are already excited to come to spore again to see yr son and dear wife!!...Jump jump jump :-P
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