This is Hines Ward Jr and his Korean mom in Seoul,Korea.
This morning at 10am, I got a cereal and ready to watch TV for espn(sport tv). I saw Pittburg Steelers players named Hines Ward Jr. I know he is half Korean and an American. When wines and his Korean mom arrived to Seoul,Korea. I saw his mom was stock to see all of Korean people took photos of them. He explained us that he was not accept on his own true ID as a Half Korean, and lives in Gerogia. He got MVP during superbowl past year. When he got a award by multiracial Korean children and to encourage social and political reform. Ward cried when describing the discrimination he faced, He said " I am apologized that I am ashame for being a I am Korean". He made me tear and made me feel happy that he is doing right thing to visit korea for his true ID and understandable better. I realized that I am trutly lucky to visited Japan for four times and got feel a lot of understand who I am.
Ward's mother (Kim Young-hee 김영희) is Korean and his father (Hines Ward, Sr.) is African-American. In 2006, Ward became the first Korean-American to win the Super Bowl MVP award. This achievement threw him into the media spotlight in South Korea, a nation with a blood-based social registry that restricts the rights of those not of full Korean blood.
From April 3 through May 30, 2006, Ward returned to his birthplace of Seoul for the first time since his parents moved to the United States when he was one year old. Ward used his celebrity status to arrange "hope-sharing" meetings with multiracial Korean children and to encourage social and political reform. Ward cried when describing the discrimination he faced. At one hope-sharing meeting, he told a group of children, "If the country can accept me for who I am and accept me for being a Korean, I'm pretty sure that this country can change and accept you for who you are."[2] On his final day in Korea, he donated $1 million USD to create the Hines Ward Helping Hands Foundation, which the AP called "a foundation to help mixed-race children like himself in South Korea, where they have suffered discrimination." [3]
Very Interesting. Thanks for sharing this with us. :o)
wow,he is so generous man and donated US$1 million to children's school!I know you very well that you always love to be interested in reading those who are half asian and white people's story true life cuz' they are almost same boat as yours regarding own identification.hee...I understand how you feel.If i were you,I will be confused which country I belong.So hope that our son will not be confused but feels being belonged to asian fully and 1/4 white blood.
Yes, I remember this dude, Hines Ward. He used to attend a high school in Georgia, and I have heard often about him. Heck, Hines played for University of Georgia as a quarterback!! I admire his mother a lot because she, as a single mom, worked so hard to raise him.
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