This morning about eleven o'clock, I went to the deaf club at the beach with Darvin and Lori.. There was raining and thunderstorm from 1pm to 4pm. but we had stayed in least three hours. We had a good time chatting with people and eating. I met few old friends and an interpreters. From Taldom Island to Mayport(Jacksonville Area)for ferry boat cost only USD 3.25 dollars for the cars to stay on the ferry about 10 mins. So, I would like to send you these pictures. :) I guess that is all I have to say for now....... Chatala...........
So happy to be in USA now,eh?:p I know you miss our son dearly.hope you will make final decision asap!
Kenichi, hope u enjoy urself!!! And also to catch u on msn. ;)
>>Karen, sorry i did not keep in touch with you recently cos my mom was in the hospital, my best friend's father passed away and I was sick for more than 1 week. Got fever for 2 consecutive nights.. So, I was busy attending to both issues while I was sick haaa. Now, my mom is well though she complains of her pain in her back. u can find me at the blog hee..
ALL OF YOU, take care of yourself ya..keep in touch. *muack to all of you* haaa!!!
Welcome Back to Our sweet America. :o)
Hi All, Any Culture will always be part of our life no matter where we are or no matter what we stand. We are still proud of who we are, no matter what. :o)
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