Monday, December 31, 2012
Bangladesh guy

Yesterday afternoon, I had spend time from 9am to 4pm. My son and I had a nice spend time together. I alway feeling that he should learn about an American-Singaporean culture. We went to hong kong cafe. We ordered the breakfast. I asked my son. Who was this famous photo? His fingers spelling said B r u c e L e e. the reason why is that he needs to know who bruce lee was. I also learned that one of his classmate was bullied my son as a NOT 100% Chinese as he was in Chinese classes. I told him to be cool and be smart. Bcs my son knows Chinese, English and America/Chinese sign language. In the sudden, the Chinese lady asked me " are you mute? (Chinese sign language) I told her "hmph, I was speaking in Chinese slang for busboy" and I yelled her a little " get back to work on yourself" a Chinese lady was shocking and noddles her head(ok ok) I told him that mute is wrong word for insult to deaf American. I agree that "knowledge will give u power, but Character respect" by bruce lee ;)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, December 06, 2012
JLO was in Singapore
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Singapore signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on Friday, 30 November. The UNCRPD sets out the obligations by States to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. The Enabling Masterplan (EM) 2012-2016, which was released this year, has paved the way for Singapore to sign the Convention. The EM sets out how we will progressively realise the vision of an inclusive society for persons with disabilities.

Monday, December 03, 2012
SMRT chief: We could have done more to engage our drivers

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 08, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Monday, September 03, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Are we Singaporeans really just so bochap & self centered? Boarded a packed bus this morning and due to a bus which broke down beforehand, many people were trying to squeeze up the bus. Some who couldn't board, walked to the rear to gesture for us to move in. I quickly turned around & gestured the pple standing next to me to move in.. Nobody seemed to bother. Everybody were just rooted to the ground. (I regretted not shouting aloud, or just squeezed all the way in).
After the bus reached stop, I went to the bus driver to suggest to her to open the rear door for pple to board.
The lady bus driver said if it's only a few pple, she is ok to do so. But if there were too many pple, all would stand at the staircase causing the door unable to close. She said many also didn't bother to pay the fare after that. I asked if can change the Ez card tap at the rear door to allow both entry & exit, she said not possible. And she said she was scolded badly t
his morning because of the crowd.
"顾客不可以宠的。如果我每次让顾客上来,其他不让,那会不公平。管不了这么多。"(in brief, it would be unfair if I am the only bus driver that allow commuters to board the bus from the exit door. Cant afford to care so much)
C'mon, we can definitely be more kind & gracious than this! At least I won't give up so easily, gonna continue making a stand on this.
my friend wrote this!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
On Aug 8th,1992: I do remembered of Dr.Mark Gobble and I were at blowhole, Fl for surfing and we surfed for three hours. At 10am, The w waves were two to three feet. I was sort of surpised that the wave got increased for five to eight feet. I caught a lot of waves... Mark got surf some too... my foot got few cuts ha.. but I got a stoked that waves... I will not never forgetten about this movement. and Mark is happy to surf right now at heaven now.
S’pore beat S.Korea to take second bronze in table-tennis
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- President Barack Obama made a campaign speech on the First Coast to nearly 4,000 supporters at the Prime F. Osborn II Convention Center on Thursday afternoon.
The president addressed the economy and strengthening medicare. Tickets were free. All of the available tickets were given out on Tuesday.
Air Force One, which was carrying the President, was delayed in landing at Jacksonville International Airport due to thunder and lightning. He was supposed to land at 12:45 p.m. and was scheduled to speak at 1:15 p.m. He did not speak until 2:15 p.m.
President Obama spoke about moving forward, which is the theme of his campaign. He also said that top-down economics is not the answer for America.
"This country was not built on top-down economics," he said during his speech. "This country was built from the middle class up."
Obama also spoke of where he and Republican candidate Mitt Romney differ on health care.
"He plans to roll back health care reform, forcing more than 200,000 Floridians to pay more for their prescription drugs," Obama said, speaking of Romney. "He plans to turn Medicare into a voucher program. So if that voucher isn't worth enough to buy the health insurance that's on the market, you're out of luck."
The president also talked about how he and Romney differ on taxes, saying that the middle class deserve a tax cut and the wealthy, those that make more than $250,000 a year, need to pay more.
"Like you, I believe you cannot reduce the deficit and deal with our debt without asking folks like me," Obama said. "Without asking the wealthiest Americans to give up the taxes they've been getting for the past decade.
"Now, my opponent doesn't want just to keep these tax cuts. He wants to cut those taxes by another $5 trillion, including a 25 percent tax cut for every millionaire in the country."
First Coast News

Friday, July 06, 2012
Sunday, July 01, 2012
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