oct 17: worked at Singapore School for the Deaf from 10am to 1pm then go to work at 4pm to 930pm at KFC.
Oct 18: went to USA embasssy from 9 30am to 1020am, I decided to eat at Mcdonald at Lucky Plaza.
Me: I asked a manager if the deaf worker are allow to work at your company.
Manager: yes, You are VIP!
Me: Itch my hair by my finger, and huh?! I said, ok, pls give me an Application form for crew, so I fill it out and introduced myself to Manager.
At around 1pm, The Singapore Assoicate for the Deaf, who works as a social worker, he wanted to meet me at border bookstore, so we dicussed for an hour, and he wanted me to do is facilitator for do SADeaf debate 2005 on Oct 21st. I told him "okay"
and I wanted to have a prepare for the list of speaker as a Facilitator.
At the KFC, I talked to my co worker for discuss the Coclear Implant. I found out that The MOH governments are planning to dicuss for support to Coclear Implants. Somehow, My other boss and I was into the agurment about the coclear Implant. My boss was support to Coclear Implant. bcs of advance Techical, and he did not talk about specific of the topic about Coclear Implant. He knew that I got a right points. I will tell you about my opionion and fact stories based on Coclear Implants on my writing book in two years later, when my book will be print out in America and Singapore.
oct 19th went to Singapore School for the Deaf at 10am to 12 30pm. The white lady came up and speak up to me. My mind says," huh?! I saw a white person came up to me, my mind says "Am i in America?!" then I tried to make a clear who she is. That her name is Sandy Kob, she was doing volunteer worker for Singapore School for the Deaf. she said, she wanted to learn sign Language more and my son is studying at Gallaudet University, and just learn sign Language two years ago. I wanted to communicate with my son. My son also has a coclear Implant. she addmit, that coclear Implant is not fitting into the hearing culture. We chatted for 45 mins.
work at KFC from 5pm to 10pm.
oct 20th: SADeaf debate 2005 from 2pm to 330pm. I had an interesting experence that Two different schools have a code of clother issue was "the uniform will be scapped" and they were dicuss by the their paper, and not talking their mind for opinion of the issue. Each kids had to look at paper and does SEE 2. it was soooo long winder to catch their SEE2. It was sooooooooo bored to dicuss. When two of sides school finish up to dicuss. I asked to people to stand up the opinion. They were sooo quiet and nothing to say. One of our staff told them to speak up for opinion of the dicuss. I was making joking to them: " our staff will not be bite you like a dog" mostly kids laughed. One of students stand up and tell them about opioion. my mind says " what is wrong with Deaf Singapore kids?!" I felt that NO ONE gives them a expore to Deaf kids at Singapore. I think, Deaf American kids at high school debate have a very good point for speak up to dicuss.
oct 21: an interview at China Knowlege by Mick Koh, who is Online Marketing Manager. He seems alittle nervous to talk me due to differnet Sign Language, so I am trying to make him to feel comfortable to talk to me. It seems goes well. We have had dicuss and explain for 45 mins. that was my longest interview ever I had.
oct 22nd went to ASL workshop from 2pm to 6pm then meet my wife s friend at 6 30pm to 8 30pm. I learned about SEE1 between SEE2. One of Deaf Singaporean lady tried to running to be leader as a USA deaf way. Mostly deaf Singaporean think that she is immpossible to do that bcs NO hearing people to help them, and they think, one of those hearing person needs to be leading. My mind says, " where is deaf leadership in Singapore?" huh?!
oct 23rd futsal football with my brother in law and cousin in law from 9 30am to noon at NTU. Then meet my co worker named jenny from 5 pm to 8 30pm for her daughter's birthday party.