Pat was doing his first lession of the surfing!

Dreamland of the waves(five to ten feet)

Goa 1

Goa 2

I know mostly of my friends and my families would say, I stayed too long at bali for 25 days. The reason why was that I went there. My thought was " Temporary being away and having a chance to speculately a lot of about myself." I am Admitted that I dont really happy myself at Singapore due to shock the culture of the people and a lot of discrimation to me. When I arrived to Singapore. My mom in law and I were not getting along due to different thinking of our living standard. Karen's mom has a stronger personally as a eldest woman due to their culture. Karen's mom realized that I was working hard and not happy at work. I lost 15 Kg = 20 pounds. A lot of people said, I am look like shinny and not look like heathy, so Karen's mom and I are doing try to be best to adjustment to being a better together as possble as we can. Mostly eldest Chinese people will not getting a grant for change their belief or don't accept to be mistake due to save their face! bcs they are eldest to know what s going on and they are taken advance of younger people to respect their eldest people in Singapore culture. In few months ago, my mom in law realized that I was not happy myself. She was changed to be better with me to be relationship. At The Chinese people believe a lot of different of myths for their chinese culture of stardard lifestyle than American People do. Anyway, I would like to talk about my vacation and see real indonesia people' s living standard. Now, I know what to do for better in my life at Singapore.
June 24th: Arrived to Bali at 945pm from Singapore. All four baliese Deafies came to Airport for see me. I saw taxi man was drunk a little, I was worrying about his driving. He seems handle himself for drop me off at hotel. I paid him 70,000 rps = $7.00 dollars. At 10 45pm, My two deafies baliese and I went to see Hard Rock Cafe at main doors for meeting my sister in law and his hubby, Patrick, and his brother and his brother' s wife. I wondered, Where can I meet them in exactly place? then finally, we meet at main doors. I introduced my two deafies baliese friends for our families. They had to leave for a reason. My families and I went to eat Mcdonald across the Kuta Beach. I went to hotel at 11 45pm.
June 25th: I talked to rent moped owner about price. he said, I need to pay 150.000 rps = Us 15 dollars. I think, it is rip off for me. it should be 12.000 rps, so I was alittle hurry to meet my families. At 930am in the morning, I went to meet my sister in law, Jann andher hubby, Patrick, his brother and his brother's wife for surfing session. They got a taxi for go to halfway beach, so I got a rent moped to show them to meet me at half way beach. patrick borrowed my board, and patrick seems really excited and me too. I had not surf for six months! When we were in water. patrick was clumsy to paddle with board. I showed him how to correct the paddle in the water and do duck under the waves. he got a little better in few mins. I showed him how to do sit on the board, read the waves goes left or right. I caught the waves, I felt I am alittle rusty. in an hour later, Patrick started to tired to paddle. I teased him " when you are in pool, you seem have no problem to do swimming, while I was having hard time to swimming... now, I am in beach, I have no problem to do paddle and smooth, You had a hard time to paddle with board." , Kenichi joking. patrick laughed at me. he knew that I am right talking. We had been in water for one and 45 mins. his wife needs to go to hotel and get ready for airport. When I said good bye to Patrick and Jann. Jann says, be careful at bali, and patrick says "thank you for teach me" he was hug their arms alittle hard. He seems happy to learn to surf!!!! It made me feel happy to be spend time with him.
June 26th: They at Halfway Kuta were having a event of the competations: surfing, skateboard, BMX and bathsuit. Web url: http://www.kutakarnival.com/
June 30th st: I surfed at Halfway, Kuta (4 to 7 feet) for two hours. I caught the swell over my head. I can see the barrels over my head, but I fell from other waves. My board was broken on potatoes tails, so I went to repair shop. it costs me 50.000 = $5.00 dollars USA. During the night time, Putt got off his work at 9pm, so we can meet my Japanese friend named Tosie. I was waiting up on her about 45 mins due to passport and wait for line up at immgration to enter the Bali. Finally, she got out of airport, she seems really tired and get ready to get a her hotel. I told her that She will meet Shephin( Deaf Russian man)
July 1st: At 5 am in the Morning, My friend, Dingo, his friends, and I went to Caggu, Bali. The waves were good! I was doing photos at them and other stranger surfers. I surfed around 1 and half hour. I caught the waves about 7 times. I was really enjoying to surf at Caggu very much.
At afternoon, We were on way to see Ulutwatu Temple. The Baliese police stopped at small police station. I just do was talk to Baliese police, They knew that I dont have a motorcyle License, so I had to pay 20.000 rps = $ 2.00 dollars. W arrived at Ututwatu Temple for see the monkeys.
july 2nd: go to open month and beauiful field ( I am not finish)
july 3rd: see hindu dance( Ubud ) (50.000 rps) (i am not finish)
july 5th: Ultuwatu for statue (Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park-bali)(i am not finish)
July 6th: During the morning time, I was really happy that I went to surfing for two hours (two to three feet)
During the afternoon time, I rode the russian deaf friend named Shephin. I saw the The Baliese police's vehicle by the pass my moped. Then I was unexcepting that The Baliese police tried to hitting on my rent moped on the purpose. I was little mad at Baliese police said, "hey come on and stop with us" I was igorre them. I turned to faster to get away from Baliese police, so Baliese police vechicle cannot chase with me due to traffice. then I saw baliese police tried to look at us, shephin said, " look at police and police " I said," I dont care about them. They were doing wrong thing to us. " then I decided to pull over the road where the paddler near to us. I was ready to blaw them out! bcs They were trying to hitting on us and they wanted our money due to saw my russian friend who is white man! but the Baliese police vechicle got away from us, They knew that they are doing wrong thing and save their faces.
At the Evening time, Witt, me and shephin are planning to go to despair(capital city) for buy the food and supplies. the baliese police stopped at me for check it up if i have a drug. The police asked me if I have a motorcyle Licence. I am deaf. The police baliese was make a fun of Vulgar Sign Language at me. I dont pay attention to him and igore him. I looked at under the seat where my licence is at. " oh, man, I forgot to get my Licence!", Kenichi Replied. The police said, wanted to go to court? I said, " fine, the court dont know sign language and I dont speak in Indonesia" then The Baliese police realized I am right. I think, the other police said, Let's me go and give him a money. The Baliese police act like "RAD hand to me" my mind says " what a loser police" he almost forgot the money and give him a money. I gave him 10.000 = $1.00. We were zooom to Depersar.
july 7: I walked to Halfway at 9 am. I saw Rizal Tanjung's wife and son at beach. Then I saw Rizal Tanjung at Kuta Beach. I came up to him for handshake and bow to him. he was speaking himself " he (ken)is a Japanese. I dont really talk him at all. I watched his surfing. When he catchs the waves (six feet) and his surfing was smooth and faster. He is indonesian famous surfer in the world. The waves were 3 to 6 feet
july 8: surfed at Halfway, Kuta. The waves were around 1 to 3 feet
july 9th: surfed at Halfway, Kuta. The waves were around 1 to 3 feet
july 10th: I sleeped for four hours: from 11pm to 3am. I need to meet Arfian and his Baliese friends at new memories site next to bomb site (October 12, 2002) . We met at there and prepare to put our surfboard and baggier into the truck at 4am in the morning. We drove to Medewi, where the Medewi's waves have a 300 M longest waves at bali! We got arrive there at 6am.
july 11th Medewi Muklis Anwar( not finish stories)
july 12th surfed (I cannot remember)
july 13th I did not surfing due to Sick! GRRRRRRR!!!!
july 14th: I surfed at Ultuwatu, Bali. The famous beach named Ultuwatu, Bali. The waves are aveage 5 to 15 feet waves from every Dec to Oct. They have a sharp reef under the water and some of shallow reef while you are surfing. that s pretty dangerous to surfing there. A lot of boards are broken.
july 15th today, the russia man was a little pain in the butt bcs he was pester me to go to meet putt at his hotel. He and I was in mall. I was doing professional massage for 30 mins. he was worrying that he will not able to meet his friend, putt. i told him dont worry. I will do alittle faster for motocycle, and meet putt at 3pm. but we were waiting up to meet putt, we were stood up for 30 mins. i decided to go to surfing for one hour. the waves were suck for five days in a row at halfway, Kuta.
july 16th: am doing fine. Today was pretty good. I went to ulutrwatu. the waves were pretty good. the waves were 5 to 8 feets. I caught around one time bcs there was really crowd surfers. I tried to catch few times but some of surfers were jab on me. so I had to wait and i tried to catch 8 feet waves, but I fell from slide. I hitted on the reef and was protect my head by my arms. My right arms got alittle hurt. I saw my board was broken. oh, crap!!! then i had to under the water three times bcs my board is broken. so i got out of water. I was feel fine and not serious injury. then i went to upstair where we were sitting two years ago. I sat the chair and felt really tired!! hahhah I got a photos for broken board and my blood arms! hahah! that was good memories!
After I left the World famous waves at Ultuwatu, Bali. I rode the moped around 15 mins, I saw the three Baliese police. I started to piss off at Baliese Polices. I was ready to give them really hard time and cocky too. The 3 Baliese police came up to me. They said, where is my motocyle license? I just gave him a register paper for moped. I just do is quiet, and noticed three baliese police started to look at me really close. "hey get away from me and dont near me!" They listen to me. Because I was turned really meant them. I looked at moped where the supplies are at. I said, oh, i forgot! The biggest boss of the police said, where are you going to, where are you coming from? and where are you stay at? I just do is keep it up with my sign langauge to him for 20 mins and did not an answer his question with my voice or write a paper. He should known better for what to do with this situation. He wrote a note. he wanted my money rps 150,000 I said, i dont have a money. then he wrote 100,000. I said, I dont have a money. then he wrote 50.000. I said, i dont have a money. He decided to look at my bagnaper. I said, "hey dont touch me, and I asked him do you wanted me to touch you if you are a good or bad cop?!, I was really meant to him. The boss Baliese police started to frusting with me. He said, wanted go to court? I said, fine! (gesture sign langauge) about 30 mins later, I decided to pay him from my bagnapper. I said, " oh, opps! my BAD! and started to smile at him " this is 20.000=$2.00. The baliese police seems accept my money offfer. I turned bad attention to him again. I was really rude to grabbed a register paper for moped, then I looked at two police, I said, "F@#K YOU"! then Zooommmmm to Kuta!
(For your Info: Frankly, I dont say Fuck you very often to people. I dont like to say this word. Because "The Fuck you is limitation a word and has not shown a smart talking" I was really angry at Baliese Police in big time. that 's why I said vulgar language to him!
at 4pm, i surfed at halfway, kuta beach. I saw my local friend from St Augustine. I was pretty surpised to see him to be in Bali. he is very tall man! he is around 1.85 CM (around 6'5" height)his name is Russell Brownley. then I pointed him " do you remember me?" his eyes was puzzed and try to fonus for make see me. he has a glasses or eye contract. he realized that my hair is different, and hand shake. he smiled at me. he asked me how long do i stay in Bali? i told him that I am staying at bali for 25 days. he asked me if i wanted to go to dinner with him at hard rock cafe at 6pm. I say ok! At the 6pm, I saw a lot of people at Hard Rock Cafe. He was coming to look for me. He and I went to Hard Rock Cafe. I realized that he was involves with christian surfer mission tour. I met some of Christian surfers, who are from around world. Russell told me that his friends are from 7 coutries to do Christian surf mission tour. They went to Sri Larka, Bali, Hawaii, and one more( i cannot remember) The Hard Rock Cafe was really good food and ate a lot of sushi, and western food! They had a pretor, and pray to the god about the world. The Christian surfer mission's organized are really well. .
His web url is http://www.thewussproductions.com/
At the night, Afrian, his girlfriend, me and one of his balise friend were at dance club. I drank one baliese beer, we watched the performance for dance contest and cocert within the drummer. During the drink beer contest, The white man got broken his name bcs He was really excited to get ready for beer contest and fell on the wet floor.
July 17th: At the Morning, danigo,his brother and I went to Airport left of the waves. the waves were pretty good for 3 to 6 feet. we got a boat to airport left and board broken.
During the afternoon, the Russian Deaf man: Stephin came up to me and Putt at Putt's work place at Mcdonald. He seems really upset that he was drunk with hook woman last night. The Baliese woman stole his HP at his hotel while he was drunk after they had a sex. I told him " you should have known better to not sex with hook women at Bali." "I wanted to had a enjoying time with her" , he replied. He seems need my help. I told him. I am allowing you to use my HP to touch your mom in Moscow, but I dont allow him to borrow my HP for overnight, and only sms to his mom for two times. That's it. He was lying his mom that he was lost his HP during ride the motorcyle, so that way his mom will send a money order to KL, Malaysia to buy new HP. I dont care about his saying. Bcs I knew he can be BULLSHIT talking to me. I just do is noddle my head to him.
The Volcom contest was helding at Halfway, Kuta for all the day from 7am to 8pm. They had a music, surfing contest, air show, and concert.
July 18th: Baliese deaf friends: witt, putt and big man were helped me to get photos of me. the waves were ok and a lot of closed. we went to resturant and ate the good food. it was cheaper. around 60.000 rps (USA 6.00) for four peoples.
July 19th : ( I cannot remember)
July 20th: pangang pangang 5 to 8 feets looking for a dreamland, Ultumawatu,(not finish stories)