Yesterday, I went to IMM Mall at Jurong East near to Mrt. I was looking for a number of the an interview for a few jobs positions. Finally, I found a number of the room for an interview for as a walk in. I saw them and took a form. I wrote a fill it out for form with attend on my resume. The muslim lady told me to wait for next number and they will call up on my name, so I was waiting around 20 mins and read newspaper. I saw a guy, who seems from european. I sat on the chair and saw his name seems siminar from Italy, and he is supervior of the seafood for Giant. Let s me diaglog:
Ken: I am deaf( Gesture Sign Langauge)
The Italian man: You dont speak? (Gesture Sign Language)
Ken: I can speak a little.
The Italian man: Do you know that you need to be experence to work for fish cuttery?
Ken: NO, but I do know how to cut the fruit and Vegetable. I am willing to learn how to do cut the fish.
The Italian man: You need to know how to do cut the fish cuttery.
Ken: I do experence to work at food store, it considers to be count.
The Italian Man: (say nothing)
Ken: are you Italian?
The Italian Man: Greek Cypriot and talked to other boss about me.
Ken: speak to other boss on my voice. (I am deaf)
Other boss man: yeah, he told me about it.. (handshake)
Ken: (I noticed that Greek man asked to other boss about giving me a chance to work with him)
Greek man: The position is not for IMM, but Mannia Square ok?
Ken: yes, I saw it at Mannia Square says grand open sooner.
Greekman: most starting salarys are around $S850.00 to $S1000.00 per month
but for fish cutting which requires a skill we pay a bit more. I need to dicuss with our HR Dept.
Ken: nodding my head.
Greekman: Do you have any problem with working public holiday or weekend or shifts?
Ken: nodding my head says NO
Greek man: I will presure your application in to your HR Deptarment and they will contact you with-in 2 days. We will require you to bring 2 passport photos, bank details and NRIC card. They will sms you.
Ken: Ok (speak)
Greekman: asked me question about the application form.
Ken: write a form paper to show him.
Greekman: Do not be offended but I need to know. "Is your wife also deaf?"
Ken: Yes
Greekman: I will sms you as to when to come to do the Skills test. ok? I think tomorrow.
Ken: given him a friendly for "thank you" (speaking my voice)
I will wait to see if they are doing to sms me or not. I will wait for their repond.